The Mission

The mission of the Nature of Natural is to promote the welfare, ethical treatment and compassionate training of horses, stock dogs and livestock through the principles of applied behavioral science and equitation science in association with other likeminded groups, horsemen and professionals through research, seminars and educational events using collaborative efforts whenever and wherever possible.


We came to a conclusion in 2004 when Tim wrote the Nature of Natural that in order to help horses and livestock, we needed to dispel some longstanding ideas of traditional horsemanship and stockmanship that do not serve the best interest of the animals or their human caretakers utilizing science based critical thinking. We believe compassionate training should be based in known facts and science as opposed to speculation, myth and opinion. We believe that education is the path to improving the quality of life and training of all animals.


The field of equitation science and applied behavioral science gives us insight into a horse’s nature and reality.  It supports the methods of great horsemen over the centuries, unmasks the mystery and puts a solid foundation under the rationale. Using the principles of Bud Williams low-stress methods brings the same type off applied behavioral science to handling livestock and stock dogs.

We are members of the International Society of Equitation Science and have presented at the Progressive Equine Behavior and Training forum for two years.


The Nature of Natural team is available to answer any questions you may have and are available for consultation. We collaborate with experts in the field of horses, stock dogs and stockmanship who support our mission statement and look forward to sharing our research with likeminded people who are interested in connecting the dots of knowledge.


horse head

Ginny Chase Elder

As a lifelong student of classical riding, Ginny Chase Elder has studied with some of the best horsemen of our time, such as Charles de Kunffy, Arthur Kottas and Dr. Gerd Heuschmann.


Tim McGaffic

Tim McGaffic has studied with many of the great legends of western training.


We have organized and produced a wide range of events based on the Natural of Natural belief in applied behavioral science, the related field of equitation science and Stockmanship based on the principles of Bud William. Under the umbrella of applied behavioral science, we explore the welfare and ethical care and training of horses, stock dogs and livestock and how that can successfully be used with more traditional methods to enhance all disciplines


Tim McGaffic is a certified holistic educator who specializes in commodity logistics. Tim's hands on experience in ranch management and property development brings real life knowledge and business savvy to any operation, current or still on the drawing board Tim is well-known for his logistical expertise and problem-solving skills and has a keen 3D perspective of sustainability balanced in the real world of business